TV studios are flexing their brand muscle more than ever in the streaming age. Studios have been more aggressive in getting their names out there and making sure viewers learn which company is actually producing their favorite series.
The article from Variety discusses the evolving landscape of television production credits, highlighting how the traditional model of crediting is being reshaped by the increasing involvement of brands, tech companies, and other non-traditional entities in TV series production. It explores how these new players are not only funding shows but also seeking prominent credit recognition, which has led to a more complex and sometimes contentious credit hierarchy. The piece mentions specific examples like Netflix's "Stranger Things" where companies like Coca-Cola have product placement deals, and how studios like A24 and Annapurna are expanding into TV, demanding their own branding. This shift is causing friction over credit placement, with traditional studios, showrunners, and networks all vying for top billing, reflecting broader changes in the industry where content creation, distribution, and branding are increasingly intertwined.